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Looking for an Learning Management System (LMS)?

What sort do you need?

Do you know what you need? Should you start with a BASIC system that can grow with you? Or should you buy one with the lot? Does your training area require specific functionality? Lots of questions? You should shop around and find out what is out there first before you even consider E-Learning. We can help you with systems that are tried and proven and we have no problems with stacking ourselves up against any other system. Our company motto is "We cannot WIN unless you WIN" It has been that way for over 10 years and it has developed a very unique set of solutions.

How much should you pay?

As little as possible? You can get systems and materials in place ready to go in less than an hour if you want to start straight away. Because we own the Code to build the LMS solutions, we can pretty much make them do whatever you want them to do. Our background has always been in the VET sector and our solutions are primarily aimed at Vocational Education and Training. Our reporting is built around AQTF requirements.

What IT infrastructure should you buy?

We suggest none. There is no need these days. Infrastructure is cheap and getting cheaper.

Will one solution work for you?

If you have a very unique offering and a narrow scope of delivery, it probably will. If you offer many subject areas, you will not be successful if you use the same LMS for all. Each area is different and they require different functionality from their LMS''s.

Do you need an LMS to be changeable?

You have 2 choices with technology. Be in control of technology or have technology in control of you. Which do you want to happen? If you buy technology that you cannot change or adapt to your needs, you are in trouble. Most LMS's cannot be changed at all. You have to change to suit the LMS. There are many practical examples of changeable LMS's and we can help you examine them.


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