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Business Opportunities

There are many opportunities available for you in the multi million-dollar Online Vocational, Education and Training industry especially if you are aligned with the proven resources and systems of WebTrain Services. We'd like to discuss these with you if you have demonstrable expertise or contacts in the following areas:

Resellers/Strategic Alliances/Joint Ventures

We are constantly looking for additional ways of adding to our client and resource base through traditional and innovative methods of distribution and or acquisition. Please contact us if you think we can do business whether it is in Australia or overseas.

Development of Online Resources

To date, we have developed in excess of 3000 online courses and units. Those materials were written and developed by industry writers or experts and they receive perpetual license fees just by keeping them current. They retain the Intellectual Property and we share in the return based on input.

If you have or know of someone who has material that is valuable to others or is in demand you may wish to explore the possibilities in Online delivery. You can be shown many examples of development and good Return On Investment in E-Learning as well as those that can be deemed as exceptional.

National & International E-Learning Delivery

WebTrain now has a presence in many countries around the world, 600 clients covering many sectors of business, commerce and industry and over 3000 online units of competency. You can leverage on this experience to gain credibility in any online education or training agreement that you may be thinking about or currently have under way.

You may have a client with offices in 10 countries around the world or in 10 different locations around Australia, you may have a contact who has an English language school in India or Sweden, you may have some influence in the Vocational sector of the Polish or Romanian education system, you may be part of a charity that has 2000 students in Zimbabwe or Chile who need help with numeracy skills. Whatever the circumstance, if it's online and if it's education and training, we'll probably be able to help. Contact us today to discuss your proposal.


WebTrain is now in a dynamic growth phase of business and would be interested to entertain discussions for dramatic and strategic expansion with appropriately credentialed investors, consortia or corporations.

By reading through our site you would have gathered by now that we have over 3000 courses online (with more constantly in development). There are over 600 clients (and growing) using our systems and resources so proof of concept is well behind us. All of the technology including the WebTrain language we use is owned outright by us (Hardware and Software). Our operating costs are minimal and the future is bright.

Apart from the major areas of expansion referred to above there are various investment opportunities that arise in the areas of market development, resource development and strategic partnerships. We are more than happy to discuss what level of involvement and interest is necessary. Better than average returns are expected, excellent is not uncommon.

Looking for an Online RTO?

If your organisation is looking for an RTO that delivers courses online we can supply you with one in most subject areas. Some of the advantages are that you get consistency of delivery, cost benefits that might add up to 50% of what you are paying now, no fuel problem costs, an increase in productivity, and smaller turn around times. We can show you many examples of this.


As an industry insider, you can capitalise on these national and overseas opportunities when they arise by completing all the preliminary investigations to determine which ones would be matched with a WebTrain solution. Let us know how you'd like to proceed in this potentially lucrative niche.


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